Self- Reflection

When I was first introduced to this idea of blogging I had no intrest. It looked boring, time consuming and unnecessary. I was wrong! Since this class I have found my love for online blogging. It is looked at like an online diary. Since I have been introduced to wordpress I am no longer afraid of the idea of blogging. For work I would wiggle around the ultimate task of blogging, I was afraid I was going to do it wrong or say something stupid. There is a lot of pressure when it comes to designing your own blog. People can read what you are thinking and judge your blog. It doesn’t matter who likes your blog and who doesn’t it matters that it says what you want it to say. I later learned there is no wrong way to blog there is only the importance of getting your message across. My blogs were focussed around the weekly Q’s we had to answer as well as personal intrests. I was hoping to learn how to blog and I ended up finding my love for blogging. Responding to the weekly Q’s was a great introduction to blogging. There was no pressure to pick a topic and we had somewhat of a structure to outline our blog. As time went on our blogs became more personal and creative. Through class reading and discussions I have been brought up to speed on the different websites of social media as well as the proper use for each tool. Working with these websites were the most informative but I had a recap on the social medias I have already known when we had our Adult learners.

How we ought to understand and use new communication technologies.

Todays modern world is based around technology. People talking on cellphones, emailing, texting and skyping to be able to verbally communicate with one another. This invention  of technology opens the world to many new possibilites. My grandma was completely shocked at the concept of skype. Soldiers in Iraq use Skype to communicate with loved ones back home. Media today not only keeps us informed of worldly issues, the latest fashions, and keep track of our favorite celebrities it brings us together as a network. This network of media makes it easy for us to communicate across the world. Different companies from around the world internationally trade using such technological advances.  If an individual is lacking knowledge in this new world of media they will suffer the cost of being left out of a world wide movement. Every student must be trained to work with technology and mass media mediums. In this class we are using different social media mediums; wordpress, Facebook, google plus as well as an online text book. As technology grows we will watch paper be used less and less in the media world. Textbooks are already being transferred online, applications for the daily news, my own parents have cancelled the newspaper due to my father’s Chicago tribune application on his Ipad. Technology has slowly started to remove the personal experience we have with one another. I cant remember the last time I sat down and wrote a letter to someone. Text messages are impersonal and broad, a letter is a well thought out speech that voices a message or opnion. In my hometown we had to go inside to deposit checks, switch accounts, even sometimes pull out cash. I miss walking inside with my dad excited for the yellow lollipop the nice woman would give me inside. Today I pull up to a metal box with an angry voice on the other end. The pleasure of the experience has been completely removed. Technology has provided our world with many benefits and ways of communication making this world an easier place to live. Technology can be easy to get carried away and taken to extremes. I worry about my Nephew and these new toys he has been receiving, there are toys that are meant to help kids adapt to technology at an early age. Being able to understand technology is an achievement, there are many different types of technology that all operate in different ways. If we don’t understand it we fall behind the rest of our generation.


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I have a year old German Shepherd named Marley. She is as calm as her name but from traumatic experiences we have learned Marley needs to have an aggressive side as well. I suffer from a anxiety that causes me to go into extreme panic attacks where I lose control of my body, capability to talk, think, or react to the situations around me. Marley knows pressure points where I can be relaxed if pressure is applied which is under my neck, above my right breast, and left thigh. Marley being a service dog, has more oppertunities to be involved in my life. She flies with me on the airplane, comes to doctors with me anything where I could go into an attack my girl is at my side. Here at Regis we live in a bad neigbhor hood, after being followed home twice, and avoiding attacks I learned it was time to have Marley become a Gaurd Dog. She is in K9 College which is located on Hymnalaya st. Denver co. These dogs are trained to know when it is time to be on gaurd and off gaurd Marley is the sweetest dog in the world, just dont wear a hood hat and glasses in the house through the back door. If you are running on 52nd street and you see a huge German barking at you, thats Marley, feel free to say hello.

It being my Senior year and all I really wanted to win this years keg race. We try so hard every year and always come in second place. For this year I made sure that wasnt going to happen. After some harsh discussions with team memebers we were ready to drink like machines. Last year my friend made this video to show other how Regis University does keg races Image 

My best friend of 22 years moved to Sol Korea. She has been there since Febuary, I have felt like I have been missing a limb for 3 months. My life is truely not the same. I love my best friend Molly. She picks me up when I am down, and always knows what to say. Shes my best friend, my sister, my other half! Image

Double Trouble learning fast

Working with the lovely Derosa couple Sterling and I walked them through the vocabulary of each webiste we had talked about as a class. I am using the picutre above as an example of the joy I saw in the Derosas face was amazing. They were so exicted to learn about the internet, it made me that much more excited to show them.They told us what they thought of each webiste that they could talk about and told us they were mostly intrested in Facebook. Joseph the husband, wanted to learn how to use google plus so he could bring that into his buisness. We started by looking at each of their profiles on facebook individually. After looking at them we decided they were good enough, it was time to teach the friending process. I had Mrs.Derosa look for Mr.Derosa and it was funny listening to her reactions to the Joesph Derosas she found that were not her husband. After a good 15 minute search we finally got the two of them friended. After we showed them the process we gave them homework to look up and friend their daughter who lives in flordia. Sterling and I looked her up to make sure she did in fact have a facebook. There wasnt many challenges working with them. The internet not working was already and issue but they share and Ipad I need to remember to clean and bring my labtop next week. We faced some problems when they werent sure how to do anything such as accept friend requests and write on walls, even write facebook messages. Why do they even have a facebook? They want to learn how to use it so they can find their old friends and talk to thier daughter. Mrs. Derosa wants to use facebook more for the picture aspect so that she can share photos with friends and family. Teaching her how to post pictures is going to be a huge challenge even I still have trouble with that these days. We have to start slow but I know that once we do they will be able to snowball their knowledge and take advantage of facebook

Weekly Q 7

These little watches keep popping up everywhere! Im not going to lie I now know 4 people here at regis who actually wear the Nike watch. This one is a bit more different because it tackles nutrition and tells you what your body needs. I want to buy one for my father who has heart problems. He already has a heart monitor built into his cell phone but instead he can just click a button on this watch to see his heart rate. I dont know as much about this Jawbone as I do the Nike watch but I understand the concept these companies are going for. Over the years we have gone from calorie counting to countless apps to help us keep track of our diets or weight loss progress. These watches do it for us. We don’t really need to know how many steps we took each day but some people may be curious. The watch does have the benefit of choosing different colors but they still are quite bulky.I do worry about the obsession America could develop.. We could become dependent on these watches to tell us what to do with our bodies. Basically again technology is thinking for us. Technology shouldn’t be telling us what to eat and when to move. Image

Weekly Q #4

Why am I taking COM 424?

I am taking this class because I am a senior here at Regis and need to finish up all the classes I need in order to graduate. I thought that this topic was interesting and since I plan on going into a career dealing with media. In todays media world it is all produced through technological machines phones, computers, printers every way the media tries to reach the public it has to be done through a technological instrument. I have taken a new perspective to elderly people using the internet since I have hit this next chapter in my life. I have lost all my grandparents, my brothers have started their own families, and im beginning to see my parents act more and more like my grandparents. I believe it is important they know how to communicate online just as we do. Communication with others is communication it doesn’t matter the age. In this class I am working on my challenge to figure out twitter as well as finally get use to gmail. I know I will need to get use to it for work but I just cant see myself without a regis email!! My final portfolio will hopefully hold enough posts and papers to hold your interest and see that I have many different fascinations in different subjects. 

New Media Autobiography


My best friend Molly and I first day of kindergarden 

            I can remember coloring, playing outside, the thrill of reading your first book, but I cannot remember the first time I touched an electronic device. That means I was probably very young. I just called my mom and asked her what technological toys I had access. Everyone remembers stealing their moms cell phone to play games during dinner. It was a new exciting toy that made movements and sounds all on its own without us having to throw it. My mom informed me I was always a cell phone lover. My mom and dad also let me use a painting program on the computer than I enjoyed. As I grew older and the Internet advanced I developed AOL. AOL was a nuclear bomb in grade school. If you didn’t have a screen name you were a loser. I am the baby of my family so my brothers were always on their own computers for high school and college. Technology wasn’t as advanced as it was when they were young, my brothers found it strange how interested I was in using my dads computer at such a young age. It wasn’t until 4th or 5th grade AIM came to play but by then my brothers were older and had an understanding that I was playing educational games and such. AIM was more for social purposes. My best friend has a little sister and it is so fun watching her grow up. Over her past few years 8th grade to senior in High school I have watched her fall in and out of obsessions with technology. She would stay home all day to watch television series on ITunes, if not that then she was surfing face book, God forbid there was anything that she had missed.

            As we get older we start to notice the right and wrong ways to use the Internet. Face book, twitter all kinds of social media are used for communicating with others. Now that I am in college face book means 10 times more to me than it did in high school. I was able to look and talk to my friends while they were at school. It provided me with an awesome view of their timeline in college. I know I have a long time to think about this but with a nephew on the way I have been shopping at baby stores. I watch as technology slowly takes over my nephews future education I am scared of the freeness of the Internet, he will have freedom to Rome wherever he wants. There are locks and ways to prevent that but kids today know ways around everything. I know that we are adapting technology more and more on a daily basis. I just hope we continue to hold the right people in charge, which will help the transition to technology more graceful. 

Weekly Qs #6

Todays social media: Stumble Upon

I have never been a fan of stumble upon until I actually sat down and tried it myself. Hearing about it over word of mouth only makes it sound so interesting, once activating the site you develop your own relationship within the website. Stumble upon is a good source of social media because often their pages lead us to gossip about celebrities or the latest and greatest places to eat and drink. This website allows us to surf the web for different reasons of entertainment. In my own experience I have found new restaurants in the Denver and Chicago area that I have not been introduced to yet. I now have a few restaurants in mind I would like to try out next time company comes to visit. After dinner I can take them to one of the cities attractions that stumble has highlighted for me. Shopping for gift ideas and learning how to make gifts that count can be found on home good websites stumble will provide. I have learned how to make my own face wash from kitchen products as well as other beauty home remedies I will hold close to heart forever. I will suggest stumble upon to those who have spare time because it can pass time quite nicely, and you don’t feel worthless because you are learning from each website you discover.

Stumble upon is for people of all ages to learn new things and find new fun websites to visit. My mom has used stumble upon for desert recipes as well as fun summer drinks by the pool. My mom has also found a yoga studio near her in Arizona thanks to stumble upon and she has been taking classes weekly ever since. Stumble upon has such a wide variety of topics and tutorials it makes you think you can learn everything on the internet. Stumble upon has most certainly helped me learn how to do things, or make new decorative things as gifts or apartment decorations. I will continue to suggest stumble upon to many other people despite their age or interests.